Learn how to take minutes in a professional way
This unique course will bring you a swift mastery of good English. It will increase your vocabulary, improve your style, speed up your reading, and help you to become a fluent conversionalist. It will give you added poise in everything you say and write.
Professional communication skills training increases your confidence and raises your profile as someone who is in full control of communication in the workplace - both in written and in verbal form.
Double your speed and increase your efficiency at work Did you know that touch typing technique can double or even triple your typing speed. That's what we found out in our study taken by over 15,000 people.
Health Promotion for Healthcare Assistants to enable them help in the delivery of Public Health
Public health is about helping people to stay healthy and avoid getting ill, so this includes work on a whole range of policy areas such as immunisation, nutrition, tobacco and alcohol, drugs recovery, sexual health, pregnancy and children’s health.
Training to be a knowledgeable medicines counter assistant in the pharmacy. Providing good Customer service and meeting the needs of customers and patients
Pharmacy Practice and Managemant Outline and learning objectivesOn completion of this course you will be able to, Understand and apply the knowledge in the following areas: - Disease states relating to the GI tract
- Cardiovascular system
- Types of Insulin, contraceptive pills etc
- Branded products
- Elastic Hosiery
The course is currently designed for newly qualified Pharmacist and Technicians, wanting to work as pharmacy technicians in the hospital or community.
A+ One and A+ Two covers all the areas needed to obtain a CompTIA A+ qualification.
Introduction to Bookkeeping and Accounting in a Week provides a pratical, step-by-step grounding to cover all these needs.
CompTIA A+ certification is where IT careers begin. You'll learn how to be a computer technician -- from installation, configuration, and basic networking to computer diagnosis and maintenance. A+ certification gets you started in IT. It prepares you for your role as a Computer Technician, IT Technician, Remote Support Technician, or Depot Technician, along with many other entry-level IT jobs.
Outline and learning objectives On completion of this course you will be able to understand the The TOPPS England induction standards. There are five units in the Induction Standards: - Understanding the principles of care
- Understanding the organisation and the role of the worker
- Understand the experiences and the particular needs of the service user groups
- Maintain safety at work
- Understand the effects of the service setting on providing services
Each unit has a listing of the main areas that a new member of staff will need to understand and each main area has a set of outcomes that describes what they must be able to do. To help plan for further learning each outcome is linked to National Occupational Standards. National Occupational standards are used for a wide range of workforce management tasks and are the basis of National Vocational Qualifications.
Welcome to your 'Medicines in Care Homes' training workbook. This is your personal workbook that will be used alongside interactive training sessions run by your pharmacist. Your Care home has its own policy on the use of medicines. These sessions will provide you with an introduction to medicines and alongside the home's policy, will cover all aspects of their administration in the care home.
Overview Level 2 NVQ in Health and Social Care is designed to reflect the work of candidates who deliver Health and Social Care to Clients.
Write a concise and interesting paragraph here that explains what this course is about
The course aims to give you a basic background to treating minor illnesses. It will teach you about symptoms of minor illnesses, and the active ingredients of the medicines that are available for sale without a prescription. There are MCQ exams at the end of this course which will need to be booked and taken before accreditation. We hope you enjoy the course.
A six session training programme for Care Managers and Domiciliary Care staff working with older people in the community
To introduce door supervisors to the Leisure and Security Industries By the end of this training the trainees will be able to: Identify the key players of the security and leisure industries State the relationships with the security Industry Authority, the police and the local authorities Define the role of the door supervisor State the main objectives of door supervisors Identify the qualities of a door supervisor State the requirements for door supervisors under the Private Security Industry Act 2001
Customer service is at the heart of all retail activity. In a highly competitive industry, it is perceived to be the single most important factor that influences people’s choice between one outlet and another. Customer service has also been identified as an area within the sector in which there are skills gaps.
A full interactive session in Customer Care.
This programme forms part of the core learning for the Consultation skills for pharmacy practice programme. It supports pharmacy professionals in working towards the practice standards for consultation skills which describe the key knowledge, skills and behaviours expected of all pharmacy professionals who speak with patients as part of their role.
Learn to Succed in Business
The Practical Business Series is a range of units making up, over time, a complete Business Skills programme for those who want to learn about business and all the main aspects of working in and running businesses.
Medical Terminology Medical terminology is at the heart of healthcare, whether NHS or private and is used in every specialty. If you are a secretary, receptionist, manager or, indeed, employed in any administrative grade, the chances are that you will need a good grasp of medical terminology to do your job effectively
Hairdressing courses are an ideal way to increase your skill set
Learn about the basic principles that govern the physical world around us. Solid understanding of algebra and a basic understanding of trigonometry necessary.
Life is beautiful! From atoms to cells, from genes to proteins, from populations to ecosystems, biology is the study of the fascinating and intricate systems that make life possible. Dive in to learn more about the many branches of biology and why they are exciting and important.
Did you know that everything is made out of chemicals? Chemistry is the study of matter: its composition, properties, and reactivity. This material roughly covers a first-year high school or college course, and a good understanding of algebra is helpful.
Topics covered in a traditional college level introductory microeconomics course
Topics covered in a traditional college level introductory macroeconomics course
Learn how to program drawings, animations, and games using JavaScript & ProcessingJS, or learn how to create webpages with HTML & CSS. You can share whatever you create, explore what others have created and learn from each other!
The history of the world (eventually)!
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